The blockbuster movie today is Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the third installment of the live action run of the popular 80s cartoon Transformers. Almost every child of the 80s knew about Transformers. When researching a parenting topic for this week I came across a great article in USA Today published in 2007 just before […]
Positive Discipline
I recently came across a great quick tips resource for positive parenting from a very unlikely resource, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It breaks out child development stages and positive discipline techniques for all ages from birth to 17, and I found a good portion of it to be very relevant as […]
With my both of my kids full on into boundary testing mode, I’m a mama on the edge. I spent the weekend pouring over my parenting books and notes to get some insight on how to best meet this challenge with positive discipline while also allowing our kids to explore and feel good about themselves. […]
I’m excited to announce I’m unveiling a new offering here on Heligirl designed to help folks with their burning parenting issues with honest positive discipline parenting advice. Now when you have an issue that’s driving you crazy, or perhaps a question that’s been on your mind, you can reach out here and get some helpful […]
This parenting journey is quite the job. Despite my most valiant efforts and deep commitment to positive discipline, I often find myself making and correcting mistakes. And the first thought that runs through my mind when I make a mistake is “I’m a failure, I’m a bad mom, My kids are going to need therapy.” […]
When it comes to positive discipline, advice on potty training, or toilet training, is painfully simple. Wait for your child to exhibit the signs, don’t push, don’t reward, and don’t praise. In fact, when it comes to potty training, we parents and caregivers can be our own biggest obstacle, trying to push, reward, praise and […]
I am such a firm believer in Positive Discipline and positive discipline advocate Jane Nelsen. Her parenting advice has made a real difference in my life. I follow her blog and receive her RSS feed. She posted the following great story last week. I was so inspired I asked permission to repost it here, hoping […]
We all need respect, including our children. Remember the old adage that children are to be seen but not heard. Does this sound respectful to you? It’s sad what that kind of attitude did to self esteem. It developed a huge group of people who still feel they don’t deserve to be respected. I received […]