Man this blogging thing can be a serious pain in the gozotch, as my daddy would say. Every time I want to figure out how to do one simple thing that should be absolutely intuitive, I’m sent on a wild goose chase to figure out how to make it work. For instance, I want to […]
Daily Ramblings
I couldn’t resist the alliteration of the title for this post. But in all seriousness, I speak of Heli Expo, the annual gathering of the helicopter industry to share, drink, talk, eat, drink, buy, sell, drink, educate, research, hire, drink and network. And I have noticed that sometimes there is drinking. This year we head […]
So I’m sitting at work, working away like a good little Umpa Lumpa, when I get a call from the nanny. “I thought I should call you because I’ve never seen this before. (Sweetness) is shivering hard and has blue lips. We were out playing. I washed her hands in warm water and have bundled […]
Ahh, a blessed day off. This is the first year in my five years at my current job that we’ve “had a dream.” It’s our first Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We celebrated here at home by recovering from a busy weekend and getting a few chores done. Truth be told, mommy reflected on the […]
Here’s a “well, duhhhh” for you. When you have kids, it’s like a whole new world is opened to you. I always planned to go to the zoo and aquarium more when I had kids to share them with. Yet, there are so many more things out there that I was somewhat aware of, but […]
The last couple of days I’ve been feeling that old familiar feeling. You know, the one where your middle section feels as if an immenent storm is about to pass through, and I’m not talking about that left over Chinese food. But while I was pretty sure I knew what it was, a part of […]
When I headed back to work a couple of months ago after my second and last maternity leave, I was really overwhelmed. I’m talking about coming home beat from work only to get beaten up by two little creatures that changed their minds about what they wanted faster than I could deliver.You’ve never felt fully […]
Nothing right now makes me want to throw my Wii remote at the TV more than those blasted commercials from Microsoft with people touting that they’re a PC and Windows 7 was their idea. I have news for you PCs out there that had this bright idea: keep them to yourself, or at least come […]