Another installment in my Positive Discipline Articles My buddy Kris brought up a great point in the comments to my last article, When Discipline Goes Bad. Setting your little one up for success is a big part of positive discipline. In fact, that is one of the 12 strategies in this article. In Laura David […]
Parenting Articles
Another installment in my Positive Discipline articles. I took the kids to Lincoln Park today. As we sat down on the rocky beach in the balmy 70 degrees and watch the birds, ferries and helicopters (that’s what was out there), I began to overhear this mom trying to discipline her child. I think the boy […]
If you see your child pulling the dog’s tail, what is the first thing that jumps into your head to say? If it’s something like “Don’t pull the dog’s tail,” then you’re like most everyone out there. I know I was raised with “don’t do this,” “don’t do that” and it comes naturally to say […]
During one of my parent group sessions at preschool last year, our parent facilitator shared a handout with us about the importance of caring for ourselves in the overall scheme of providing positive discipline for our children. Yes, it seemed rather intuituve that if my needs were met, I’d be in a better position to […]
Earlier this week I attended a Compassionate Parenting class, the last in a set of three, offered through my co-op preschool program. This class is based very much on the Sanity Circus class I took last year. It is basically the Positive Discipline curriculum, but the small print says the instructor can’t call it that […]
Time outs are a hot topic. I got a lot of comments and e-mails about it when I wrote about the 17 Guidelines of Positive Discipline. There are a lot of people out there that have instituted them and swear by them. The tricky thing about time outs is they work, but if used as […]
When I attended the Sanity Circus class put on by the Puget Sound Aldlerian Society, we were given a handout that really broke down Positive Discipline for me. I’ve written it up for you here. It came from the Positive Discipline website. There are a couple of things to keep in mind: 1) some of […]
Have you ever had one of those days when the seemly smallest little thing suddenly turns your little cherub into passionate flailing, boneless, and red-faced inconsolable terror? There’s an explanation that really makes handling these episodes much easier, if only from an understanding perspective. Pam Leo in her book Connection Parenting talks about tantrums in […]