Parenting Articles

When I was growing up, the rules in our house were pretty similar to those in most households of the 70s and 80s: do something the parents don’t approve of, get punished. My brother and I were spanked with hands and wooden spoons. (In fact, I remember they even had a paddle in grade school […]

It might happen the moment you bring baby number two home. It may not rear its ugly head until that younger child starts moving under her own power. If you’re really lucky, it may even start a little later. But make no mistake, siblings will fight and it will test you, possibly to the point […]

Getting Baby to Sleep

by Heligirl on July 30, 2010

in Daily Ramblings,Parenting Articles

Another installment in my Positive Discipline Articles. By popular demand, the following is reprinted from a guest post I did for Molly and Mommy on May 24, 2010. I have to admit, when Alissa asked me to write a guest post on sleep I cringed. It’s hard to find a hotter issue for moms of […]

Another installment in my Positive Discipline Articles. Recently I had the great fortune of crossing paths with Amy McCready, founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, Inc. She runs a very comprehensive educational website chocked full of parenting advice focused solely toward helping parents raise capable, well behaved children with high self esteem. Amy offers a free […]

Another installment in my Positive Discipline articles. I’m inspired by the iPhone app I recently got called Positive Discipline Cards, which helps me resolve problems by providing quick, simple positive discipline techniques at the push of a button. I’ve been playing with it a lot, and in many cases, putting it to work. In fact, […]

In the heat of the moment, when your child is acting out and you’re at the end of your rope, how do you keep to your positive discipline parenting? Just as I’m starting to truly put these methods to work with my 2 1/2-year old, I was really excited to learn Jane Nelsen recently released […]

When Hitting Enters the Home

by Heligirl on May 16, 2010

in Parenting Articles

Another installment in my Positive Discipline Articles. Today revealed a whole new side to my little girl I’m far from prepared to handle, despite all my Positive Discipline study. Mr. Man turned one this past week and it was all Sweetness could do to deal with it. First, she was forced to look at all […]

Another installment in my Positive Discipline Articles. One valuable lesson I’ve learned in Positive Discipline is to take time and prepare my kids for transitions. I follow this religiously and have since Sweetness was about one year old. It really truly works and has helped steer us clear of so many tantrums. When I talk […]