
The Control Freak

by Heligirl on June 24, 2010

in Daily Ramblings

My 2 ½ year old is a total and complete control freak. She must have full control over every last detail of every thing lately, down to coming into the room and demanding that I uncross my legs. And if control is not hers? Oh may God have mercy on your soul as she will […]

Feeling Like a Failure

by Heligirl on March 11, 2010

in Daily Ramblings,Parenting Tidbits

I try. I really, really do. I think, plan, study, hell I even write here about how to be the best parent I can be. Yet there are days when I just outright fail. And when I decide to fail, there’s no small “oops.” It’s an all out trip over your own two feet right […]

My Cup Runneth Over

by Heligirl on March 7, 2010

in Parenting Articles

Have you ever had one of those days when the seemly smallest little thing suddenly turns your little cherub into passionate flailing, boneless, and red-faced inconsolable terror? There’s an explanation that really makes handling these episodes much easier, if only from an understanding perspective. Pam Leo in her book Connection Parenting talks about tantrums in […]

This Too Shall Pass

by Heligirl on February 6, 2010

in Parenting Tidbits

There’s a monster in our midst. It is a very ugly beast that challenges everything I thought I knew and struggle to learn. Despite all the classes, books, moms groups and research, I feel like this monster and all it’s relatives are staying just a step ahead of me, threatening to take over and destroy […]