Mom Tip Monday

In my readings on positive discipline and compassionate parenting, one thing I continue to come across is the importance of giving each child regular individual time, uninterrupted by siblings, the other parent, grandparents, the phone, etc. I wish I could say I was good at doing this every single day. Sadly, sometimes the most individual […]

Learning through Play

by Heligirl on February 27, 2012

in Mom Tip Monday,Parenting Articles

Learning a new skill has to be fun for kids, or anyone really when you think about it, and our job as parents is to make it as fun as possible to help kids develop a life-long love of learning. Sweetness, now at 4 ½, is starting to show interest in learning to read. We’ve […]

It was by complete mistake that we came across one of my daughter’s favorite rainy day learning tools. My husband was looking something up on Google Earth and Sweetness became suddenly enthralled. Soon we were showing her our house, then cool places around the country. Before long she was asking about things she’d seen on […]

The Restaurant is Open

by Heligirl on January 30, 2012

in Mom Tip Monday,Parenting Articles

If you read last week’s post, you know we’re climbing the walls here with the bad weather. This past week the snow left, but it has been pretty rainy on the days I’m home with the kids. We’ve built couch forts, played hallway bowling, designed elaborate ramp systems for Mr. Man’s car collection that breeds […]

Avoid the TV Trap

by Heligirl on January 23, 2012

in Mom Tip Monday,Parenting Articles

Weather the last week here in Seattle included snow, sleet, freezing rain, wind, ice, rain and slush. To say the kids are climbing the walls would be an understatement. I’m a big proponent of outside time every day, but with temperatures in the 20s and blowing freezing rain, outside was not something any of us […]

Chances are you’ve heard all about helicopter parenting. I come across that and cringe just because I’m a mom and a helicopter pilot and sometimes people wonder if my blog is about helicopter parenting. Ugh, quite the contrary. Helicopter parenting is in essence parents who hover over their children at all times, rarely giving the […]

With the daily routine of being an adult always in the way, sometimes it’s hard to remember the value of being a kid. However, when we take time out of our adult life to knock 20-50 years off our lives, we can get a great new perspective and connect with our kids. That’s just what […]

Teaching Charity

by Heligirl on December 5, 2011

in Mom Tip Monday,Parenting Articles

Is it just me, making every penny count and trying to instill a sense of meaning for the holidays into my kids, or is holiday shopping getting more stressful than just fighting crowds? What about charity? Everywhere I turn there are products, sales, campaigns (Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday, etc.) urging me to support another […]