It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here at the Heligirl household. I apologize for the lack of Mom Tip Mondays of late. We’ll return to the regularly scheduled programming next week. Promise.
Just before my annual pilgrimage to Heli-Expo last week I had to take a quick trip to Washington, D.C., for business. While the trip itself may have been great fodder for blog posts, alas, I was so overwhelmed with work the entire trip that I hardly had time to check e-mail, let alone muse about the trip here.
Here’s the quick and dirty:
Leave at “oh my freaking God it’s early” in the morning, arrive in the afternoon to take train to Alexandria. Spend evening doing work on computer and order room service. Watch movie on my iPad.
Next morning do work on computer, catch train to the Mall, walk past closed museums to Capitol to get photo of self on steps using iPhone. Visit Museum of the American Indian for exactly 90 minutes before I have to race off to meetings. (The museums open at 10 and I had to be back in Alexandria by 12.)
Go to meeting (which includes lunch). Race across street for second meeting, that extends to dinner on the Alexandria waterfront. Go back to room and do work for two hours. Pass out.
Get up at “Holy God it’s freaking early” to catch cab to airport (train doesn’t run at that hour) then plane home.
There was no rest upon arrival at home. Just Mommy work and job work until five days later when I left again, this time to Dallas for Heli-Expo.
While at Heli-Expo I ran a meeting, managed a trade show booth, ran PR for a company and two organizations, and managed to sleep a little. I’m embarrassed to say that I in fact did not even touch a helicopter. Didn’t even take a photo of one.
That’s pathetic. They should take away my helicopter lover card for that.

So you can see Heli-Expo. This is courtesy of Vertical Magazine and is Bell Helicopter's unveiling of their new aircraft they call the Relentless. I didn't get any photos. I'm so pathetic.
I saw lots of them, but not most, and in fact didn’t even touch one. What a long way I’ve come from being unable to sleep the days before the big helicopter trade show in anticipation for all the helicopters and helicopter things I’d see and do.
Maybe I’m getting old.
Maybe I’m getting jaded.
Maybe my priorities have changed.
I did see lots of my favorite folks, got lots of good PR, and even landed a new client (actually its exponentially expanded work for an existing client). My little business is taking off and I guess what I’ve done is gone from a helicopter fan to a helicopter business person. With that comes a certain lack of awe and desire to touch, feel, sit in, drool over and otherwise molest helicopters at Heli-Expo.
Oh well, it was all productive and despite my lack of wandering all over the place, my feet still hurt like mad and I’m still beat at the end.
Maybe I am getting old.