If you’ve been keeping up with my posts here on Heligirl, you know I’m a pretty adamant fan of Positive Discipline. One of my very favorite authors of books on this topic is the venerable Jane Nelsen. I have a great deal of information on her books in my resources section yet there is so […]

Totally Messed Up Pregnancy Reflections

by Heligirl on November 19, 2010

in Confessions

I recently learned a dear friend is expecting her third child. We met just after we found out we were pregnant with our first children. We were pregnant with our second kids around the same time too and now that she has her third on the way, and I’ll never have another, I’m waxing nostalgic […]

An Open Letter to Owen Wilson

by Heligirl on November 18, 2010

in Daily Ramblings

I love Mama Kat‘s writing prompts, but only participate when something really speaks to me. This week is one of those weeks. Mama Kat challenged me to write an open letter to a celebrity. Typically I’d not write to a celebrity. I mean, do any of them really read anything from fans any more? However, […]

Summer Catch

by Heligirl on November 17, 2010

in Beyond Mommyhood,Photography

It’s cold, rainy, windy and miserable in a way that makes your bones ache. I recently got word my pals from Deadliest Catch returned home safe from Red King Crab season and it made me miss warm summer fun with pals. So in memory of t-shirt weather, here’s a shot of me with Jake Anderson […]

This is a hard one, especially with the holidays barreling down on us faster than most of us would like. How do we celebrate holidays that are filled with gift giving without developing materialistic entitlement attitudes in our kids? Over showering our kids with gifts, even over the holidays, helps develop materialistic attitudes that kids […]

Hubby was gone two days and nights this week, giving me the “opportunity” to single parent. This time I approached it with a new attitude. One thing that I did differently than I have in the past when alone with the kids for extended periods is I prepared myself for the worst. At my house […]

Some moms are old hats at taking the kids on an airplane while others are completely petrified by the prospect. I was the later until I finally bit the bullet and took the kids to Hawaii. While I admit there is no way to prepare for or eliminate all potential issues you might have on […]

I got the kids two aviator bears as souvenirs during our trip. They were a gift from one of our meeting hosts, Blue Hawaiian Helicopters. Mr. Man just snuggles his. Sweetness, however, stripped hers naked. It was a little disconcerting to discover the aviator bear laying in her bed wearing nothing but his silk tie […]