Totally overwhelmed as I work to put on a massive cat herding effort known as my annual helicopter show this weekend. Due to my total lack of brain power now, I leave you with a famed Friday funny, care of my wacked sister of the Great White North, The Mayor of Crazy Town. Tweet
Nothing made me feel so insignificant as the popular girls. The way they looked down their noses, speaking in hushed tones and looking over at me in such a way that threatened me to not dare to eavesdrop, only added to the lonely, outcast feeling I had in high school. Straddling two very affluent neighborhoods, […]
You would be hard pressed these days to find someone who thinks Comcast is a wonderful, caring, fair company. This company is run by the paranoid arm of the Mafia. I’m just sure of it. The executives and management that are making up the rules are the same people that go around kicking puppies and […]
Another installment in my Positive Discipline articles. We’re hitting that lovely stage here in Jen’s World where Sweetness is all about the boundary testing. If I haven’t said her name in a kind but firm tone at least 3,867 times in a day, I’ve just not done my job. She’s throwing blocks, kicking the dog, […]
So I guess it’s just best to be better late than never, eh? During the past six years I’ve changed jobs, moved more than 1,110 miles, moved into an apartment, bought a house and moved again, met a nice man, dated nice man, got engaged, planned a wedding, got married, got pregnant, gave birth, tripped […]
Mr. Man has been on solid food for seven months, but until recently didn’t show any interest in feeding himself. I’ve been at a loss as Sweetness was grabbing the spoon to guide it to her mouth within a couple of months of solid food and was stuffing finger food in her mouth in short […]
Hot. Wet. Animal Sex. Slow loving cuddle sex. The kind that gives you shivers for the next 15 minutes. And the kind that just leaves you warm and fuzzy inside. All kinds really. I bring this up because I think we could all use a little reminder from time to time, especially if we’re married […]
Now for something completely different. I recently took Mr. Man to a research study at the University of Washington’s child development lab. At the end of the 45 minute study, he was presented with a box of toys. He could choose one as his thank you gift. He chose this little toy camera toy that […]